Satisfied or refunded

We want our customers to be completely satisfied with their purchases. That's why we offer a "Satisfied or Refunded" policy that gives you peace of mind when you make a purchase on our site.

Return Process
To return a product, please follow these simple steps:

Contact our customer service on +33 9 70 70 24 37 to inform our team of your intention to return a product.
You will receive detailed instructions on the return procedure, including the return address.
Pack the product carefully in its original packaging and include all accessories and documents.
Ship the product to the address provided by our customer service. Make sure you use a reliable shipping service with tracking.
Once we have received the returned product and confirmed that it meets the return conditions, we will issue a refund. You can choose between a full refund of the amount paid or a credit to use towards another purchase on our site, depending on your preference.

The refund will be made as soon as possible, generally within 7 to 14 business days from receipt of the returned product.

Some products, such as promotional or personalized items, may not be eligible for return. Please see the product description and return policy specific to each product for more information.

Contact Us
If you have any questions or concerns regarding our return and refund policy, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service team. Our team is here to help you and provide you with all the information you need for a hassle-free return.